Produktratgeber zum Thema «Ausdauer» gilt für Sportarten wie Laufen, Radfahren, Triathlon und Langlaufen.
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Nitrate and plant substances rich in polyphenols promote the formation of nitric oxide (NO), which leads to vasodilatation. Athletes benefit from improved nutrient and oxygen utilization as well as a lower perception of exertion
Nitrate and plant substances rich in polyphenols promote the formation of nitric oxide (NO), which leads to vasodilatation. Athletes benefit from improved nutrient and oxygen utilization as well as a lower perception of exertion
Unwanted muscle contractions are common in endurance sports. Strong stimuli such as acid, pungency or bitter substances can reduce acute susceptibility to cramps via neuroreceptors.
Unwanted muscle contractions are common in endurance sports. Strong stimuli such as acid, pungency or bitter substances can reduce acute susceptibility to cramps via neuroreceptors.